I have a new 75 gallon tank that's been cycling for 4 days. I am using 60 kilos of live rock and a protein skimmer. I also have 2 extra powerheads running. When can I add invertebrates and what kind would you suggest?
I would wait for your amo and nitrates to spike and come back down before adding anything you dont wish to stress any critters. Be patient rule #1 to this Hobbie. And welcome to the board there are many great post out here look threw many and read up and you can get great answers to maybe alot of questions you have or will have aswell. Missy
Wait until the cycle is complete and water parameters are stable. The inverts don't do well when the levels are spiking, much less running through the cycle. Patience is the key to being successful in the hobby.
Also I would shut off the protien skimmer till the cycle is done, you should only run protien skimmer if the rock is not cured, but you have live rock ,and you should wait for this as it may prolong your cycle...
Another question:
I see bubbles on top of the tank that is being moved around by the power heads. Are those bubbles oxygen? And when I turn off the powerheads, the bubbles are still there.