New tank disease question


New Member
I am fairly new to the saltwater thing. I got a 44 gallon tank about 3 months ago and followed the instructions here and by my LFS.
One week ago I had 8 chromis, a six line wrasse, a mated pair of clowns, a lemon peel angel and a Mandarin.
Everything was great and my water checked out perfect at the LFS.
A little under a week ago I started seeing some white spots on my male clown. I also noticed that about half of his tail was missing. I asked at the LFS and they said that it was probably ich and stress from the female (she was very bossy). I bought a cleaner shrimp for the ich and separated the female into a breeder net on Friday night. Well my male clown died Sunday night, my lemon peel angel and my Mandarin died this morning, that surprised me, and I noticed that my female has cloudy eyes...
What do I do? Please help.


Staff member
David, you need to treat your remaining fish for ich. Do you have live rock?
Please take a look at the FAQ Thread at the top of this forum and read the post there on Ich. The treatment options are there. If you have a strickly fish-only tank, meaning no live rock or inverts, then you can safely do hyposalinity in your tank. Otherwise, you would need to quarantine.
Let us know if you need more help after reading that info.