New Member
I am fairly new to the saltwater thing. I got a 44 gallon tank about 3 months ago and followed the instructions here and by my LFS.
One week ago I had 8 chromis, a six line wrasse, a mated pair of clowns, a lemon peel angel and a Mandarin.
Everything was great and my water checked out perfect at the LFS.
A little under a week ago I started seeing some white spots on my male clown. I also noticed that about half of his tail was missing. I asked at the LFS and they said that it was probably ich and stress from the female (she was very bossy). I bought a cleaner shrimp for the ich and separated the female into a breeder net on Friday night. Well my male clown died Sunday night, my lemon peel angel and my Mandarin died this morning, that surprised me, and I noticed that my female has cloudy eyes...
What do I do? Please help.
One week ago I had 8 chromis, a six line wrasse, a mated pair of clowns, a lemon peel angel and a Mandarin.
Everything was great and my water checked out perfect at the LFS.
A little under a week ago I started seeing some white spots on my male clown. I also noticed that about half of his tail was missing. I asked at the LFS and they said that it was probably ich and stress from the female (she was very bossy). I bought a cleaner shrimp for the ich and separated the female into a breeder net on Friday night. Well my male clown died Sunday night, my lemon peel angel and my Mandarin died this morning, that surprised me, and I noticed that my female has cloudy eyes...
What do I do? Please help.