New Tank Help



Well maybe not new. The tank has been around for 3 months now and I moved to a new house and during the move i lost my three fish :( But I did not loose any of my inverts :)
I only have a few little inverts and would like to get a "cleaning crew" any suggestions on what package to order?
The tank setup:
74lbs LR
3 to 4 inch of LS
Fluvial 404
Tide Pool (bio wheel) filter with skimmer
4 power heads
To my best knowledge the water is turned over every 35 to 40 min. Their are places were current is high and some were it is low. Some of the power heads are on timers to make a tide affect.
Lighting :D
I have two lights both 40w
one is a 50/50
the other is a daylight?!?
They are made by corallite or something like that.


Active Member
Since you posted in the reef section, I will assume you will attempt a reef setup.
You will have to upgrade your lighting to maintain corals. I recommend adding 1-175watt 10000K MH bulb. Change your current bulbs to 1-actinic and 1-daylight instead.
I would remove the chemical and mechanical filtration from the canister to run as a pump only. Your LR and LS will perform the waste removal naturally as long as you dont have a large fish load. You might need more LR if you add more then a few fish also.
I recommend starting with 30 scarlet hermits(be sure to get extra shells), 15 troceus snails, 2 emerald crab and 2 brittle stars.


I ordered the Big 20.
once things get under way I will be posting pic.
Question on lighting.
I have 3 urchins 2 long spine black ones and one short spine brown one.
I also have 2 anemones a carpet and condi
They seem to be doing fine with the current light. Will I need more light when I get other stuff?
My LFS is using the same light setup on their display tank that holds all their corals and invert?


Active Member
The difference between your tank and theirs is that your corals must live in your reef where theirs is only a holding tank, for selling. I would venture to guess that their lighting is VHO.


To add what I know about lighting systems for reefs, MH is by FAR the best to go, regardless of what wattage and color you do. If I am right, most people on this board are really pushing VHO bulbs over power compacts these days, so in conclusion... If you are a handy type of guy/girl, you could always build your custom canopy with whatever lighting you would like, or if not, there are tons of places online that sale complete lighting setups for a fair $$$ value. Best of luck.
Zack :)