New Tank Help


I'm setting up my 44 gal corner tank and would like to know when I should add live rock to the tank? The tank was a former freshwater system which I took down and cleaned. It now has a wet/dry tank mounted filter, 1 power head that is pulling water thru the undergravel filter tube, and crushed correl as a base. What else would you add to the tank before the live rock and when should I put the live rock in?
Thanks in advance

david s

First welcome kilbys to the board second the tank is new with no inhabitants right. If so I would take out the undergravle system and crushed coral. you live in sc so go to home depot and buy a bag of southdown playsand. wash it good then put that right in bottom of the tank after a day or so add live rock dont waste money on cured rock get uncured then let the tank cycle
also has this tank ever been treated with copper ??


No, its never been treated with copper. Also can I keep the filter bottom in place with the crushed corel, remove the tubes and just add a layer of sand on top since the tank is already filled with saltwater, I just dont want to waste the new crushed correl I put in?