New Tank Ideas (I Want Yours)


Im thinking about making a new tank. I have decided on a aggressive tank but I have NO idea what I want in it. I am going to make this tank right so I am willing to put probably around 5000 dollars into this build. I am looking around 200-400 gallons. So please tell me your ideas. From ees to sharks to triggers. Please tell me your ideas


Active Member
Sounds great!! If I were you, I would pick a couple of "must have" fish (hopefully somewhat compatable with each other) and then make the rest of the stock list to fit around them. Since you are asking for opinions, I think a few good feature fish to consider would be....
Male and Female Crosshatch Triggers
Any of a number of Acanthurus Tangs I love....Achilles, Bariene, Sohal, Dussumier, Spotface to name a few
Large Angel....Emperor, Passer, Queen, Maculosus, French would be my favorites
Brazilian Dragon Moray or Goldentail Moray Eel
My 2 must have fish for my 240 were Sohal Tang and Emperor Angel....I currently am yet to attain either.
What am I thinking!?!
Good luck
Oh, and the bigger the tank, the more the options.
Oh, and if someone chimes in telling you to do 55 triggers in one tank, just ignore him....He won't go away, but just ignore him


Originally Posted by Laxzach
Im thinking about making a new tank. I have decided on a aggressive tank but I have NO idea what I want in it. I am going to make this tank right so I am willing to put probably around 5000 dollars into this build. I am looking around 200-400 gallons. So please tell me your ideas. From ees to sharks to triggers. Please tell me your ideas
will 400 gallons???????????sounds like 40 fish!!! all triggers!!!!!2 of every kind is my vote!! soon ill have a 500 w/ 50 triggers and eels!! and everyone will be best buddies


Originally Posted by kjr_trig
Sounds great!! If I were you, I would pick a couple of "must have" fish (hopefully somewhat compatable with each other) and then make the rest of the stock list to fit around them. Since you are asking for opinions, I think a few good feature fish to consider would be....
Male and Female Crosshatch Triggers
Any of a number of Acanthurus Tangs I love....Achilles, Bariene, Sohal, Dussumier, Spotface to name a few
Large Angel....Emperor, Passer, Queen, Maculosus, French would be my favorites
Brazilian Dragon Moray or Goldentail Moray Eel
My 2 must have fish for my 240 were Sohal Tang and Emperor Angel....I currently am yet to attain either.
What am I thinking!?!
Good luck
900 for 2 fish on a new tank thats smart!!!go with the 40 to150$$ cheep triggers first!!do the math probley get 20 fish vs two!!


Wow kjr trig you called it. I like your ideas I am going to look into the crosshatch triggers and also the Dragon Moray. Ive always wanted a big eel


Humm, 5k .....Money will go fast....400 gallon Stand Canopy Awesome Protein skimmer.....100 gallon sump... Reverse lighting system.....Wave makers.....300 pounds of live rock...... 150 pounds live sand.....100 pounds sand.... Dam only 1500 left to spend on fish....Guess we could get babbies.....300 for a Arothron, 100 (Panda puffer) Angler (Colored red or blue) 400 Goldflake Angel (Marshall islands) 150x2 Queen triggers (balistes vetula) 200 Wartskin frogfish / angler (antennarius maculatus) 100x2 Clown Triggers (Balistoides Conspicillum) Whoops blew the budget... Following fish would be as Spouse allows (Birthdays anniverserys chrismas etc) Hawaiian Black Trigger (Melichthys Niger) Pink Tail Trigger (Melichthys Vidua) Tessalata Eel (Gymnothorax favagineus) Zebra Moray Eel (gymnomuraena zebra) Port jackson shark (Heterodontus portusjacksoni) Princess Parrotfish Razor fish Blue botted stingray Oh Well maybe 400 gallons isnt enoulf.......


Active Member
Since you want dreams, here's mine
(A shark reef, is just soo unrealistic, unlike this
)718gal (96"l x48"d x36"h) (Bolds are "must haves")
TripleTail Wrasse

Banana Wrasse
BlueLine Hind

Crossthatch Male Trigger

Hawaiian Black Trigger
Banana Eel
Vlamingi Tang
Dussimeri Tang
Naso Tang

Emperor Angel
Queen Angel
Blueface Angel
Lookdown (x2)

Golden Pilots (x3)


Originally Posted by Grue
Humm, 5k .....Money will go fast....400 gallon Stand Canopy Awesome Protein skimmer.....100 gallon sump... Reverse lighting system.....Wave makers.....300 pounds of live rock...... 150 pounds live sand.....100 pounds sand.... Dam only 1500 left to spend on fish....Guess we could get babbies.....300 for a Arothron, 100 (Panda puffer) Angler (Colored red or blue) 400 Goldflake Angel (Marshall islands) 150x2 Queen triggers (balistes vetula) 200 Wartskin frogfish / angler (antennarius maculatus) 100x2 Clown Triggers (Balistoides Conspicillum) Whoops blew the budget... Following fish would be as Spouse allows (Birthdays anniverserys chrismas etc) Hawaiian Black Trigger (Melichthys Niger) Pink Tail Trigger (Melichthys Vidua) Tessalata Eel (Gymnothorax favagineus) Zebra Moray Eel (gymnomuraena zebra) Port jackson shark (Heterodontus portusjacksoni) Princess Parrotfish Razor fish Blue botted stingray Oh Well maybe 400 gallons isnt enoulf.......
agree need like 3500 just for tank and 900 cross hatches add the dragon your over budget!!multi triggers and puffers would be better



Originally Posted by AquaKnight
Since you want dreams, here mine

718gal (96"l x48"d x36"h) (Bolds are "must haves")
TripleTail Wrasse

Banana Wrasse
BlueLine Hind

Crossthatch Male Trigger

Hawaiian Black Trigger
Banana Eel
Vlamingi Tang
Dussimeri Tang
Naso Tang

Emperor Angel
Queen Angel
Blueface Angel
Lookdown (x2)

Golden Pilots (x3)
17 man the 99% will


Active Member
Originally Posted by slackjawed
17 man the 99% will
To be honest, 9ft. and a deeper tank would be better. I'm just not sure tanks over 48" are feasible?
Plus there has to be a limit somewhere
But yea, the pilots probably will outgrow the tank and need something bigger.


I really like kjr trig's list. That's a good start, I'd also do a large wrasse like an aussie tusk, banana wrasse, red coris, etc. Definitely crosshatch pair, or/and hawaiian trigger and a couple of large angels (emperor and queen are my favs). As far as tangs go, which ever you like best. I like blue hippo's, desjardini sailfins, sohal, blonde naso, and powder blues.
Oh, and a puffer or two. African mappa, geneafowl, golden and starry are all spectacular puffers, but you can do pretty much any puffer you would like.
You have lots of options with a tank that size. I'm sure you'll have plenty more ideas when the time comes around.


Active Member
Your $5k will be gone in no time. Trust me, I know. I am building my 120x36x30 and between my tank, refugium (150g), sump (150g), 2 skimmers, lights, Hammerhead pump, and stand I am at....oh man...I am over by a couple K!!!!!!
IMHO, if you are on a budget, save money for the fish and upkeep. I would go with a 300 AGA tank (96x30x30) and put in the following:
Pair of crosshatches
Trio of Potters angels
Emperor angel
School of anthias
Mated pair of True Percs
Trio of Pakistan butterflys
Banana Eel


I harlem(sp?) of flame wrasses would be awsome.
I would go with a x hatch pair. They are so beautiful! I wish I could have one.


Originally Posted by bioneck47
let me guess... slackjawed
ignore me
what 50 triggers in a 500 wont work? just liike u cant have 2 undys in the same tank!!! 50 triggers would be
.better than what 8 fish in a 500...........wait wait ............i swear theres fish in my tank did you see him.....u missed him
thats how it would be with the 8 fish in a 500 . alot of unused space w/ just 8 fish.u could do that in a 200 gal

el guapo

Active Member
Less is more . If you realy want a spectacular tank pick a few excelent specimens to be show cased . deffinatly go with quality over quanity . Above all else pick something that your going to be happy with long term .