New Tank I'm in love with!


I have been all over every site I can think of and I have arrived at the new 39G C.A.D SIgnature Series. In my opinion after shopping around, this seems like the BEST starter setup for LPS, SPS, Softies, Clams ect. I have 5 years in FOWLR experience and have kept a couple softies now but I want clams, sps, and lps. This has good filtration, lighting, skimming, a UV sterilizer, and to boot an awsome refugium. My question is its not too over the top for a intermediate reefkeeper is it? I plan to add a Koralia powerhead or 2 to help the flow. Besides that it has everything right? Also about how long do the MH and T-5s on these last?
I have also read that the skimmers a bit funny but I know how to fix it so thats not a problem.
I hope to frag softies in this tank or maybe try to raise clams. Thanks for readin.
If you got pics post!
* TANK DIMENSIONS: (L)24" x (W)20" x (H)20".
*150w 14,000k with 2 x 24w Actinics supplements
*(2)LED-HO 2 watt moonlights(on it's own cord)
*Full size direct-skim refugium on back. Does not include refugium substrate.
*Comes in black Cell-Cast acrylic background.
* Refugium Dimensions (L)23" x (W)5" x (H)19.5".
* Tank mounts.
* PC light strip for refugium.
* Signature Polished and mitred edges with Extra thick 8mm thick glass.
* Seamless curved front panel.
* Professional quality HQI light system featuring our internal ballast technology.
* separate circuits and switches for complete automatic and manual control for each T5 bulb, LED-HO system and Halide lights. Easily compatible with all kinds of timers.
*100G Professional pin-wheel protein skimmer.
*6W Drop-in Ultra violet sterilizer.
*70G cooling unit.
*360 degree wave making return nozzle.
*Glass Canopy comes standard.
Cost: $674.99
Can some1 calculate what is costs to ship a tank like this from NYC,NY to 78626 texas?
dplantz;2617153 said:
My question is its not too over the top for a intermediate reefkeeper is it? I plan to add a Koralia powerhead or 2 to help the flow. Besides that it has everything right?
When you say intermediate are you referring mainly to your FOWLR experiece?
Equiptment wise, it looks like everything you will need is there.


yes I am refering to my FOWLR experience in addition to my experience in keeping and fragging rics, shrooms, and some zoas. I tried xenia 1c but it was a dying frag I got (saved) for free from a neighbors mistake. I have fraged kenyas too.