New Tank... need ideas



Hey all,
I bought a new 180 gallon tank last night. I'll be moving most of my current crew from my 90 gallon to the new tank. Right now I have (all small) volitans lion, humu trigger, sailfin tang, foxface, pearlscale, and a porcupine puffer. I think I might keep the foxface and the pearlscale in the 90 gallon, but will be moving the rest to the big tank. I just wanted to solicit everyone for good ideas as to what else to stock the new tank with. Any suggestions?


I agree with a large angel being a good idea. Eels are also nice and easy to keep. Heniochus butterflies, marine bettas, Harlequin Tusks, blue hippo tangs. Lots to choose from with a tank that size.


I'm a fan of the angels. I like the emperor and queen butterflies, but seldom see them for under $150. What is a good price on these? Any other large angels that you like?
Eels are interesting, but do I risk having my fish turned to bait? I've never owned an eel before, and know nothing about them. I saw a reticulated eel at the store that looked pretty, but was about 3' long... seemed too big for my current tank.


There are some well behaved eels. Snowflake eels and zebra eels are good choices. I bought my adult emperor angel on this site for just over $100. You just have to be patient to get one. Angels are something you should wait on though, they need a well established tank. 6 months or more.


So whats going on with this site's inventory? Everything just says wish list. Are they closed?
Also, I live in the mid atlantic... we wont have warm weather until april or so. Can you get fish shipped in the winter?
As for other fish, I like marine betta's but they dont seem to do much. I like the look of a harlequin (sp?) tusk, but I rarely see them. What is their personality? I've also seen the minitas grouper and think its beautiful. Will it outgrow the tank or tank mates? I really like the achillies tang. Anyone have experience with them?


I have a marine beta and he is very shy compared to my angel, tang, or puffer, but still comes out enough to be looked at. Harlequin tusks are like wrasses, they come out often but are slow swimmers mostly. This site is shut down during the holidays, until Jan 2nd. Stay away from that achilles tang. They are probably the hardest tang to keep alive. I have a powder blue, so I know hard. =)


Thanks for the heads up on the achillies tang.
I'll keep looking around. Does anyone know if you can get the fish shipped to cold areas in winter months?


I think what I refered to as an achillies tang was incorrect... I saw one at the lfs, but they must have had the fish mis-labeled. The Tang I really like is shaped like a powder blue tang, but is dark grey. They have 2 bright orange tangs at the base of their tail. Does anyone know what the correct name for this fish is? Is it a Naso tang?


Active Member
Yes you can have fish shipped during the winter months they will pack them in the shipping container with heat packs. just be sure to know which day they are shipping your fish. they will arrive early the next morning and leave them at the door and you don't want them sitting outside all day long.


Active Member
i love the rays just thought id say that.. though you would want someone else's oppinion on whether or not a ray would be ok with all those fish b/c the trigger may cause some probs.. but im not to sure


I've never seen any marine rays for sale around me. Don't they get REALLY big. I was under the impression they need a swimming pool sized tank.


Active Member
The depth of the tank doesn't matter so much with bamboo sharks and rays . what they really need is long and wide. this gives them more floor space to swim.