new tank need LR


New Member
I just bought a new 250gal tank yesterday......
I got the filtration system, lighting and skimmer along with a stand for around $700.00
A saltwater fish dealer I used to buy off of is going out of buisness..... A couple of the MH bulbs are broke but I am happy with my purchase..
Well here I am rambling on about the tank... My real question is about ordering LR online.... Since my dealer closed down I have been having trouble buying large amounts of LR...
Does anybody know of a good site to order from?
How is the stuff from this site?
Any input would be great...


Active Member
Congrats on the new tank :D
This site sells LR and there are usually a fair number of threads on its quality, which I've heard to be good. You can probably search for threads.
However, please do not request links to competitor sites, it is a violation of the terms of use.