New tank NEEDS lights


I jsut bought a new 55 gallon tank and i was looking for a lighting setup to use
i would like to have a variety of soft corals in it, but im not sure what to use i think that the metal halide setup sounds best but none of my lfs's have that setup only pc setups
does anyone know where i might be able to find a MH setup? if thats best...


Active Member
many online places like ************** , Bigals , Petsolutions , fish, and *********** . Just ad dot com .


Active Member
Well, if you only want soft corals, power compact lights will be more than enough. A 260 watt power compact over a standard 55 gallon tank would give the leathers, mushrooms, polyps, etc. plenty of light.
However, if you ever do want to get into some more difficult things, such as acropora, metal halides and even possibly a chiller will certainly be needed.
*Also, as a reminder (due to a deleted post above), please do not post links to competitor's websites.*


Active Member
There were no links to any competitor's websites in my post . Just names to where he can find lights . Is SWF so insecure that they will lose customers ?


New Member
Originally Posted by ReefStar
I jsut bought a new 55 gallon tank and i was looking for a lighting setup to use
i would like to have a variety of soft corals in it, but im not sure what to use i think that the metal halide setup sounds best but none of my lfs's have that setup only pc setups
does anyone know where i might be able to find a MH setup? if thats best...

I have a 55gal and use 2 48" T-5 lights, each fixture has actinic and white bulbs and they awere only 70 dollars for each fixture.


thanx guys, i went to my lfs and got a nice pc fixture with the atlantic lights and white bulbs, and moon lights


Active Member
I would reconsider your purchase if not to late. You could get a nice T-5 fixture for a bit more and would give you a better light source. They also will support a wider assortment of corals. I know you say only softies now but that won't last long and you'll more than likely want more difficult corals to keep that demand more light.


i got a coral fixture with,
2 65 watt true actinic
2 65 watt compact floresent 10,000k
and led moonglow lights
hows that?
need better lighting?...