New cycling - what to stock


I got a good deal on a used setup at my new LFS. I have a 58G setup that i have added 40lbs LS and 57lbs LR to. Definitely want to do some corals. I was thinking of adding a or purple and some clowns...i love clowns. What else might I add? Coral beauty maybe? Red serpant starfish or 2? Couple shrimp? Suggestions?
[ October 01, 2001: Message edited by: dshurett ]


Active Member
What is the lighting for your tank? That will dictate what type of corals you can have. As far as fish, a 58gal is supposedly too small for a tang. You might try and get a mated pair of clowns. Ideally a tank raised variety such as Percula is a very good choice. Coral Beauty is another good choice as long as your tank is established. Shrimp are also very cool. A pair of cleaner shrimp or peppermint shrimp are good in a reef set up.
You may want to get a little more lr. About 1 1/2pds per gallon is a good rule of thumb. This will be a source of filtration, and food, for your tank.


New Member
You need to let the tank get cycled and established before you consider adding anything delicate...angels, tangs...etc. The clowns are nice hardy fish...but also very agressive if they are the first first added. Really think about what you want out of the tank...FO or reef..but I would wait at least 6 to 8 weeks before adding much. You can cycle the tank with a couple of shrimp from your local meat store..instead of putting a live animal thru it. Good luck with your new adventure.....