new tank, old water?


would like some advice as lfs give conflicting advice. Setting up new reef tank, 54 gal, will have 40# aragonite, 50# lr. Should I use water from my existing tank to help start the new tank? Also should I add some of the existing crushed coral to new set up? thanks for any comments


Active Member
Setting up a new tank I would use new saltwater.
New tank - new start - let it become on it's own.
Adding a handfull or two of substrate from a healthy existing tank is often done for bacteria boost, but if you're cycling it with live rock it's not necessary. Plus I think it looks funny having a sandbed with a pile of CC on it. Guess you could mix it around a little - but I would pass on this choice.
Are you talking aragonite sand or aragonite shell hash ? DSB is the way to go here IMO.
I try not to mix too much between tanks if at all possible. Each tank develops on it's own.
My opinion ;)


thanks for the opinion. now the debate seems to be sand base vs. crushed coral, have heard reasonable explanations for both


Hi coachb
I have been using the methode you are trying. I haven't had any bad experience yet. I set up my 75gal from 40 gal tank water, LR and I used the filter from 40 gal too. Not sand tho. Put my 3 damsels after 12hrs of set up and they survived. Tank is only 2 months old right now and it's already have Colt, polyps, mushrooms, finger leather, toadstool and seabae anomone with mandarine, spottod hawk, yellowtang, naso tank and maroon clown. So far everything is going great. But I wouldn't bet money on it will always go right tho.