new tank parts list


New Member
If anyone can give me a little advice i would appreciate it. I have a 75g (going to be fish ). Right now all i have for filtering is a skimmer and another old hang on filter i had laying around. I was only using it while the tank was running its cycle. Now that it is almost done i wanted to make sure i had the proper filtration before i start introducing fish. Any help is appreciated. thanks


All I can suggest is live rock. Some of the best filtration you can get. 1-1 1/2 lbs per gal. HTH:)


New Member
thanks, i have about 45 pounds right now, along with about the same in live sand. Just wanted to make sure i didn't need a bio-wheel, or something else along those lines.


I dont know that much about filters, but if you search back some on this page, yu can see some often used bran names


I dont know that much about filters, but if you search back some on this page, yu can see some often used bran names
And I heard somewhere that bio wheels are bad (or at least during the cycle)


Active Member
I ran my bio wheel durring the cycle and nothing has happend the all the biowheel is is it is extra bio filtration if you have enough live rock and live sand you dont need them I just added this filter for extra water movemt the bio wheels and the place to but my carbon packs. More filtration never hurt anything.