new tank potential plans

justin s

New Member
OK I am setting up my 55 gal reed tank. It is still cycling right now. but I am planning ahead of what I would like. I am trying to make it as peaceful as i can be and was hoping to get some feedback on any potential problems. I would like to get many different coral, maybe sponges, and an anenome as well.
Heres what im thinking so far
Start off with a small clean up crew of
10 Cerith Snails
10 Nassarius snails
5 nerite snails
Upgrade a little later after i see how well it is to probably
10 Turbo snails
and prolly more cerith and nassarius snails possible
maybe a few scarlet hermit crabs
Once everything is going good I would like to add
1 cleaner shrimp
1 sally lifght foot crab
procelain crab
1 false percula clownfish
(hopefully an anenome that it will host)
1 yellow watchman goby ( i have a secure top)
1 pistol shrimp
i like the idea of a yellow tang, but i dont think that is enough space for it.
thats all i have for now. Do you think these will all get along with each other as well as corals i place in there?
Any questions, concerns, advice, or suggestions of other fish I would really appreciate it. Back to doing some more research.


Active Member
Hi and Welcome.
First thing I see, is the tang. They are really too big for your size tank.
Why not go with a pair of clowns, for something differant, look for miss bars, blacks or naked.
pygmy angels are nice-never had a problem with them bothering corals.
fairy wrasses are also nice for for your size tank
Bi-color blennys are really personable.
Here is a list of what you could do
pair of clowns -orange or black
watchman goby - yellow
bi-color blenny -black and yellow
fairy wrasse -red or multi color
pygmy angel or blue reef chromis - blue

justin s

New Member
yeah i agree. i have a 200 gallon i was hoping to transfer everything too once i get my house built and more room in a year or so, but i know how things go and that might be 4 or 5 years so i will just wait on the tang. but i appreciate the suggestions and will look into those a little more. and suggestions on the inverts all getting along?


Inverts will get along just keep your eye on the sally crab and your shrimp.
That may be alot of snails for one time addition, add gradually because there might be not enough food for them all since the tank will be new.
All the recommendation that teresa gave is very good. Also you can put a dwarf angel as well.