New Tank queshtion



Hey guys.
I am going to get a 45 or a 55 gallon tank and I just want it to be aggressive fish with not to many rocks. (I currently have a 20 gallon reef tank.) Can someone here list a few good agressive fish that would be able to live together happily and be able to all fit a 45 or 55 gallon long tank. Thanks.
Could someone please post some pictures of there agressive tanks to.
:help: :help: :help: :help: :help: :help: :help: :help: :help: :help:


Active Member
You will not be able to get many fish in a 45 or 55 gallon tank that are "aggressive". Pretty much the only fish that are aggressive that can go in a tank that size are a dwarf lion, eel (snowflake), toby puffer, and a hawkfish. Any type of wrasse, large puffer, trigger, large angel, larger eel, grouper are all out of the question for that size tank.


Ok. I already have a snowflake in my other tank. Would a snowflake, dwarf lion and maby some other fish be able to all live in a 55?


Would triggers be able to fit? Like an eel and a small trigger?


Active Member
You could do a sfe, dwarf lion, and maybe one to two smaller fish in a 55 safely.
No triggers can go in a 55. Not even the smallest because they all get big and need a lot of space or else they will get quite territorial and nasty. The smallest I would recommend for a trigger is a 90 gallon.


OK thanx. Also what kinda rocks would I need or what would be good to have in the tank. Some LR stacked up a bit or something? Or should I just leave it barren.


Active Member
I definitely recommend a good amount of live rock not only for filtration purposes, but to offer a lot of retreats for the fish.


ok cool. also what would you get as far as a clean up crew. I think the fish I want to get will just eat them. This there any kinda fish or crab or something that will clean my tank and not be in danger of being EATEN! :scared:


Active Member
What kind of fish are you looking at puting in your tank? Some aggressive fish can go in tanks with turbo snails and hermits. I have a hawk and puffer in my tank and they both leave alone by snails and hermits.


I want to add; snowflake, dwarf lion, tang, and a puffer. Is this WAY to much or will it be ok? Will these fish also eat all my clean up crew???
Thanx for your help lion_crazz.