New Tank & Question


Active Member
Ok, this is what I ended up with.
125g Tank 60x18x24
2- 400w MH
2- 110w VHO
30g Sump
10g Refug
Anyway, my question is... I purchased a stand & canopy but the canopy seems short.
How many inches off the water should the MH be placed?


Active Member
Thanks Slick. Back to trying to build one. :( I wish I had your skills, I suck at building stuff. :D


Active Member
Thanks. My best advice is go slow and measure stuff carefully. Also cut your pieces a little long and when you fit them together you can always trim a little off if you have to. Another thing that will help make it go smoothly is if you can get your hands on a finishing nailer.
ReefNut I have a question for you: what Kelvin are those 400watt MH and are those 2 VHO's actinics? And if your going to go sps and clam, I may suggest a calcium reactor. I don't have one myself, but I hear it helps a great deal in keeping the calcium, alk, and PH in stable conditions.


Active Member
Justin, The MH are 10k and the VHOs will be actinics. I've not looked into a calcium reactor yet. From what little I know about them they do seem to be a good idea.
Slick, a finishing nailer would be good. My fingers would love me for it :D .