New tank running. Water level in o/f?


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Tank is full of water and running tonight.
A couple more questions.
How high should the water level be in the overflow box? Right now my mag 18 is running full open and the overflow box water level is only a couple inches above the drain baffles. both the sump and the refugium levels are where I want them. The long water drop into the overflow box is very noisy.


Active Member
The compartment of an overflow where the drain baffles are located should be nearly empty, so it sounds like everything is working the way it should be for you. You don't want to attmept to fill the box by overwhelming it or using valves on the drain or you will flood sooner or later.
If the noise is a real problem, you can stick a small piece of PVC into the bulkheads to form a standpipe in the back section. That will help some, so will a piece of acrylic over the open top, or even a hunk of foam insulation to block the sound.


Active Member
Sounds like the levels are good as SCSI said. What i did was extend the tubing BELOW the bulk head in the sump so the discharge water going into the sump goes underwater instead of splashing above the water surface.