New Tank ?s Re: Cycling


I recently purchased a 72g bow front, Fuluva 340 casister, Prism Skimmer, Whisper 2 power filter, 40lbs Agronite, RO/DI tap water filer, Pengin 550 powerhead, heater, standard florescent hood (2 x 24"), and test kits (all on advice of LFS - although I purchased everything but the tank and stand online at considerable savings). I rinsed the agronite and placed it in the tank. I am planning on filling the tank with water and salt tonight and letting the filters run for a few days to clear the water. My question is.....Then what? I've read several books, numerous FAQ's, and several postings on this site and there seems to be a wide range of opinions on how to cycle a tank. I want this to be a fish only tank.
I was planning on next purchasing 20-25 lbs of cured live rock from LFS and putting in the tank and then adding a few small fish a week or so after that (i.e., two clowns). After the clowns are added I planned on testing the water daily. Is this correct?
I'm looking for someone to tell me what to do. Please fee free to e-mail directly (
Other specific questions I have:
Should I start the skimmer up right away or wait until the tank cycles?
What types of filter media should I put in the Fuluva 304?
Any advise would be greatly appreciated.


Why should I not use the power filter and canister filter? When should I start the skimmer?


Active Member
start the skimmer after the cycle has completed and you have started adding fish
i would not use a filter, b/c tehy can and haved been known to contribute to problems with nitrates, many of us start out thinking you need one, but it works better than we let ourselves believe without one, although hard to believe, it DOES work well


Fluval canister filters are not a BAD idea in filtration, depending on what your purpose of this tank is. I have 2 Fluval 404's and a 304, each loaded with Bio-Chem Stars to increase filtration, on my 200-gal grouper tank, and have never had any problems with nitrate buildup, even with minimal rock. However, if you intend this to be a true reef tank, you will need much more rock and sand both, and with the proper amount, you wouldn't need additional filtration. If the LFS suggested the 304 for your 72-gal, then they were cutting it close, considering they are 75-gal max. I would suggest getting the proper rock and sand for complete filtration, and leaving the 304 for water polishing purposes.


It depends on how you like to do things.
If you add 30+ pounds of Live rock, you can use that to cycle your tank. There will be enough pod deaths to add ammonia. If you do it that way, it will probably take 4-6 weeks to cycle. Then start adding fish.
Or you can do as you said, and drop two fish in there with the LR, but that will put alot of stress on fish. I would at least use the LR until your ammonia starts to drop, then add the fish.
I don't know what the experts will say, but I think you only need to test your tank once a week even when it is cycling.


I am no expert but, if you are cycling with LR and LS then testing once a week is fine just to watch the progress of the cycle but if cycling with fish test once a day to make sure the ammonia or trites are not getting put of hand and threating the fish. If they are too high a water change is in order