New tank set up with cured live rock


New Member

I set up a 65 hex tank with 75 lbs of cured live rock and 2-3 inches of live sand. I purchased the live rock and sand from someone on craigslist. The rock and sand were in a running tank that was a full reef set up that crashed in February due to a failed heater when owner was on vacation. He said all fish and corals died due to 55 degree water temp for a week. He cleaned the tank and did many large water changes and kept everything running except the lights. I got the rock and sand and placed it into my new tank. After about 1 week I noticed( Polyps) ? sprouting up and opening and growing. I have checked the water every 3-4 days and only saw an ammonia reading of .25-.50 on the 4th-5th day and no reading after that. I have been feeding the (polyps) every 3 days minced frozen cubed food and they seem to be doing great. I have noticed that the Nitrates have gone from 0 to about 5-10 since the tank has been set up (4 weeks). Do you think the tank has cycled or do I have to cycle the tank before i begin to add fish? I plan on doing a 20 gal water change today.

I would like to keep the (polyps) so if i need to cycle the tank how do i do it without harming them?



Well-Known Member
Since the rocks and sand were already live you already had an establishes bio filtration. If he didn't feed the tank it may have been minimal. You feeding the polyps will have helped increase the bacteria population. Your cycle may have been minimal.

Can you post a pic of these polyps. There are some that are pests like aptasia that you will want to get rid of. If they are a desirable polyp you scored.


New Member
Thanks. Are the difficult to keep? I plan on FOWLR . Would like to stock tank with a pair of clowns, a watchman goby and a sadleback puffer eventually over the next few months.
