New Tank Settling


I've just started to cycle my new Tank. I placed the water in last Saturday and turned on all of the powerheads and pumps. However, it has now been 3 days and I still see fine particles moving around. Is this bubbles, sand, possibly undesolved salt (I hope not) or something else? Will this settle?


What water did you start with? I started with all RO and only had floaters for about a day. Any LR?


I started with RO Water too from a Kent Bare Bones 60. Could my sump pump be making fine bubbles? I don't see any bubbles coming from anywhere.... could the sand be slowly letting out air?


Bubbles can come from anywhere.. but if they are bubbles they will always be heading up. But if the white dots seem to head for the top of your tank its prolly bubbles. To get rid of bubbles I have a few sug.
1st. Make sure that your return bar is under syphon in your tank. This will keep from getting bubbles in your return bar. Try to purge the bar after your power the Pump back on.
2nd. Make sure that You dont have a skimmer output next to the return pump input. This will cause bubbles. Try moving the skimmer or retrofitting a "bubble cup" under the output of skimmer.
3rd. Make sure if you have LR that you spin it around to let all the bubbles out.
If Its not bubbles then youll have to repost and explain more. :D