New tank setup 125 Gallon


Active Member
Well here goes my first SW tank. Just put water in today. Here's some pics so far:
Tank with only right side cleaned -

Sump after cleaning -

Sump baffle so you can see how coralined up it was before cleaning heh -

Tank cleaned with some water and a couple pumps for flow in it(throwing LR in tomorrow) -

Sump setup in stand -

Tank and Sump -

Will add more tomorrow and once the plumbing is done.


New Member
thats awesome im doing the same thing right now how big of a sump is that?
in about 2 days im going to be drilling my tank. wish me luck.

heart & sole

lookin good what are your plans for the tank...reef? fish only?


Active Member
It's going to be an aggressive FOWLR tank. I might add some anemone's after its been up for quite awhile.
Sump is 75 Gallon, I love having so much room in it to work with. Good luck with your project Interex :)


Active Member
Well I picked up my live rock yesterday. Got like 150+ lbs. rock, 2 test kits, a hydrometer, and a 1/4 bucket of salt mix for 310$. Awesome deal, but I had to rush to make it happen and as it turned out I got home and didnt have enough salt to make enough water for the rock. I let the rock sit in coolers and newspaper with water from the original tank overnight and got more salt today. Now my SG is holding tight at 1.025 and the rock is in the tank. Initial tests show no ammonia yet, but I'm sure its coming. Also found one hitcher, some kind of shrimp, but I doubt he'll live through the cycle. No new pics yet, but once I get my RO/DI setup in a few days I'll post my plumbing and aquascape.


Looks like it will be quite a project. Any thoughts on a stocklist yet?


Active Member
Stock list in mind is Volitan Lion, then Porcupine Puffer, then low-aggression Trigger(Niger, Blue Throat, Sargassum), then maybe an Eel, then an Anemone, probly BTA. Fish are going to be added very slowly with a close eye to make sure I don't have any aggression problems between the Trigger/Puffer and Lion.


Active Member
Been a few days and some more pics. My new RO/DI and the PVC prior to gluing:
RO/DI setup -

RO/DI hooked to faucet -

"Goal post" return PVC -

Return off pump PVC -

Fuge branch off return. I'm missing an elbow thats why it isn't connected -

No pics of Overflow piping since those are using flexible tubes.


Active Member
Ok, piping is in and aquascaping is done. I need to fix some issues with noise down in the sump and the skimmer isn't producing bubbles really yet, but I'm working on that.
Aquascaping overview -

Close up Left -

Close up right -

Working Sump/Skimmer -

Refugium(not alive yet tho heh) -


Active Member
No pics this time, just an update. I was running into some noise issues with the tank and did the following to quiet it:
1. Built a couple stockman standpipes and put them in the 2 overflows.
2. Ran airline tubing down a hole in the top of the stockmans.
3. The bottom of both overflows now flow in just below water level with filters attached to catch any big pieces of yuckiness.
With these 3 things you can barely hear the tank above my dehumidifier.


Active Member
This is planned to be a predator tank. Trigger, Lion Fish, Puffer, Eel the exact types I'm going for I have listed in another post above. Now that this is close to set up I'm already planning out a 75 gallon reef hehe, but my fiance has nixed those plans until we get a new house.
great job so far.
that tank looks like new after you cleaned it up good job.
and nice aquascaping. what will you be using for lights?


Active Member
I've got 2 36" Coralife PC fixtures that have 10k, acitinic, and moon lights in them. 96x4 Watts. Total overkill for what I'm doing, but I got a pretty good deal on them.


Active Member
I actually decided the fish I wanted first before getting the tank. When I started planning I was going to do like a 55 gallon but the more I researched the more the tank and setup grew. Suffice to say, I ended up spending a lot more then I'd initially planned for lol.