New Tank Setup Question


New Member
Here is where I am so far setting up my new 55gal FOWLR tank. Sunday I added about 45 gal of water and mixed in the salt(Instant Ocean). By Monday afternoon, the SG was reading 1.022 with a PH of about 8.2. Last night (Tuesday) I added my Southdown sand for a DSB and my nice new clear salt water is now white:) I am not really worried about this since I have read this is normal but my question is this: Any ideas when it will clear? I would like to order my live rock soon to start the cycle since I know that will probably take at least a month. If I ordered the live rock to arrive saturday morning, would that be too soon?
I'm planning on ordering about 50-60lbs from one of a few well-known online vendors; possibly even from this site. Don't get me wrong; I'm not in a rush to try to get this done. I just want to get this done right the first time...
BTW, here is my equipment setup:
55 Gal AGA
Pine Stand & canopy
220W DIY VHO Lighting
Remora Pro Skimmer w/Mag 3
2 - MaxiJet 1200s


Active Member
the answer is - a day of two. since you put in alot of sand and probably just dropped it in you send particles everywhere. I would wait until it all settles.
How much did you put in the tank?
Enjoy the tank without any effort for a week and then start with some Live Rock.
Since you have a 55 Gal (which is what I have) and you plan on having a FOWLR I would suggest you purchase Live Sand real soon - us eht elive sand as your filter vice the Live Rock.
this keeps the nitrates lower (4" of DSB) and then you can buy your LR for esthestics (and filtering) instead of the other way around. Plus this way you can buy the pieces you really like and set you tank up slowly versus having to have your filter established before you add your livestock.


New Member
How much did you put in the tank?
The sand is about 4-5" deep. I figured that was about right since I am going to add some live sand in there too. Not too much live sand because I'm trying to save some $$$ :)
So probably about a few days to a week before the LR...sounds fine with me. Any other suggestions and/or input would be greatly appreciated.
Just a little more background: I have had a couple freshwater tanks for a few years now and I've been reading up on saltwater fish for the last few months....Wish me luck:)