New tank setup questions


New Member
Well I pretty excited, we brought home a nice 125 Gal tank, stand, top glass and lights from our LFS. The price was right and we couldn't pass it up.
Anyway my wife wants to go Freshwater and I'm trying to sway her to Saltwater.
What I'm looking at is a tank setup for Fish, some live rock, live sand and some invertibres. I would like to get an annemoni and a clown since the kids are always asking for a Nemo everytime we step in a fish store. I do not want to go with a Reef tank at this time.
I have stopped at 2 LFS that said I should get a pair of Fluval 404s and a Seaclone 150 Protine skimmer and that should be good.
Will their suggested setup work? I looked over their setups at both stores and they were almost all setup along those lines. The water was clear and the fish looked pretty good. I did see one or two out of about 12 or 13 tanks with a wet/dry system so I was a little floored at the minimal amount of equipment they were using.
I'm still thinking I need much more but would like to keep the price down to hopefully still be able to persuade towards Saltwater. I know for sure I will need to upgrade the lights since it is a 72" hood with 2 bulbs in a line from end to end.
I have the book 'The simple guide to Marine Aquariums' that has been good reading but I will not be able to read further due to work studies for a bit.
I'm not rushing into this so i have a bit of time. We probably will not do much with it till Summer.
One more thing, what do you use to clean the inside of the tank? There is some tape residue on the inside of the tank and other smears.
Thank in advance!


Welcome to the boards, Fishingaround!
I'm pretty new myself, so I don't know if I can be much help, but there are a lot of really helpful people here! It must be exciting to get a 125 (I'm starting with 29).
It's great that you're planning to start with LR and LS. I've heard some negative things about the Seaclone, though, so you may want to do a search on the board to find out more. Reading is certainly a great way to start, learning and planning ahead puts you in a good position to do things right the first time. It can really save you $ in the long run.
I have read not to use anything but water to clean the tank. I think that some have used white vinegar, though.
Being patient and going slow is definitely the way to go. Good luck!
claire :)


Active Member
I would not buy a fluval or a seaclone they are not very effective, in this hobby you get what u pay for, plus if you put a anemone in your tank you should wait until your tank has matured roughly around 6 months, you usally add the anemone first then your clown later.
For filtration try to add LIVE SAND and about 1.5lbs of LIVE ROCK per gallon of water, thats all the bio filter you need also add a refugium to your setup you can search for it on this site and get plans and pics on how someother people set theirs up, for a protien skimmer alot of poeple love AQUA C and PERCISION MARINE
DO NOT use any chemicals to clean out the inside of the tank just use some hot water to get out smugges
welcome to the board, if you have any questions just post them, there are many people on here that will help you out with everything
:D :yes: :joy: :D