New Tank Setup


I'm thinking about starting a new tank towards the end of the year and I'm lookin for the best setup. What I want to add, and I'm not 100% sure about the list yet, but this is the idea. Porky Puffer, Black Volitan Lionfish, Snowflake Eel, and some type of trigger (was hoping for a clown but not sure yet). Now what would be the smallest tank that would support those guys (if the lion is the only reason for an increased tank size I would consider getting a smaller species of lionfish). What type of substrate would be best for them, cc or ls (only reason I would think of putting some cc is the puffer would grind on them). Also what type of filtration would be needed, their all obviously fairly hardy fish, but I would think either a wet/dry and a protein skimmer or a canister and a protein skimmer. Would a UV really be necessary? And finally! what would be the best order to introduce these guys? (can any of them be used to condition the tank?). Thanks guys...


Well, first welcome to the board. The fish list looks good, except for the trigger or the puffer. Triggers and puffers are not compatible in most cases, and porkys are one of the least aggressive puffers, and clowns are one of the most aggressive triggers. One of the moderaters or sharks PufferLover will probally tell a story about why not to mix puffers and triggers. But anyway, if you got either a puffer or a trigger you could get some type of wrasse, and my personally favorite and a number of others is the Harlequin Tusk, a bit pricey but awsome fish. I have a 135, with a Antennata lion, picasso trigger, snowflake eel, harlequin tusk, and a foxface lo for algea control. The other shark for this board- LionFish, has a 120 with a Picasso Trigger, Voltain Lion, Harlequin tusk, and I beilve he also has a snowflake eel.
When you are setting up your tank, the best bet is a wet/dry and a protien skimmer, but father down the road consider getting a UV sterilizer. I personally use ls over cc, ls is very good the biology of your tank. And in the long run, anything that doesn't reduce nitrates, causes nitrates, and cc attracts detruis which is the #1 cause of high nitrates. If you have live rock in your tank, the puffer will grind on that rather than the substrate. Right now, desiding on what exact fish you are goin to get is more important than the order you introduce them, but the rule of thumb is least aggressive to most aggressive. You sound like you've done your research, and your on the right track. Keep it up and you'll have a great tank.
If you havea any questions ask them, you came to the right place.


Ok I have no problems with having a tank with a porky puffer, a snowflake eel, and a lionfish of some sorts and maybe later on add a wrasse for some more color. And I'll use LS and LR with a wet/dry, protein skimmer, and a UV filter. Now what would be a good tank size? Think I could get away with a 75 gal with all that filtration and no wrasse?
Oh and as for research and stuff ya I've had plenty o' tanks. My current one is a 46 gallon FO community tank. I have a flame angel, blue devil damsel, perculia clown and a yellow headed jawfish. I'm kinda at a block with that tank cause I want to add one more fish but I don't know what to add, I originally wanted a long-nosed hawk but I found out he'd go after some of the inverts I have for a clean-up crew. I also was considering a yellow or regal tang but I don't want them getting sick on me and wiping out the tank. So im thinking maybe a goby or blenny but not sure yet. I suppose I could always make it a reef tank, but who knows. Anyways...thanks for the help.


A 75 might work if the lion was a dwarf lion or some other kind of small lion. Definitely no volitan and probaly no radiatta. They just need too much space to be put in a 75. If I were you, I'd go with the pork, the snowflake, and either a dwarf lion or lunare or sunset wrasse.


I would not get a lunare I tryed one and he cause all kinds of problems in my tank, once he got settled in he started to bother my puffer and snowflake, I ended up tradeing him in, and the guy at my lfs said that is what almost always happens. Good luck


one thing i would add to the previous posts is skip the crushed is to ruff fot the underside of the snowflake eel.
i would recomend a deep sand bed and a good skimmer...and depending on your bioload you may want to consider another filter as well...also make sure to get plenty of LR to provide hidding places for the snowflake as well as the puffer if you decide to get one (although i would go for a porcipine puffer) and a less agressive trigger (male bluejaws are my favorites)...dwarf lion is (imho) the difference between a 90gal tank and a 120+ gal tank (if you want a volitan)...
if you skip the puffer (sorry pufferlover) then you could get a dwarf lion, snowflake eel, and a trigger (depending on the species) in a 75...