New Tank, too fast

arch scot

Hello, First time.
I've had this tank for two months, did I hurry on adding fish? I already have tomato clown, percula clown, clarke, yellow tang, long nose butterfly, purple dottyback, scotter blenny, blue damsel, 50 lbs of live rock. I lost one fish over a month ago and is was a damsel. All help is welcome, I'm learning between experience and reading


Active Member
You definitely have been adding fish too quickly.
What size is your tank?
What are your water levels in it? (ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, pH, kH, temp, and salinity)

arch scot

55 gallons, all levels okay. just lost that one fish and never found it, what is going to happen and how do i prevent it?

royal gang

Active Member
i would get rid of all fish that are 3+ inches and take the angel back and take one of the clowns back too, cuz they can die...

ledzep fan

Active Member
In my opinion you are way overstocked. You shouldn't have more then one species of clownfish in a tank because they will tend to fight. I would think about getting a bigger tank if you want to keep those fish happy.


Active Member
You may see a big ammonia spike in the near future. I would make sure you do weekly water changes to prevent this.

royal gang

Active Member
well do research on those fish, for example the bengaii cardinal doesn't swim too much(from what the things say) and it is better kept in 2 or more, they say they "interact"
with eachother...and it is kept in a 15+ gallon size aquarium, the angels/tangs need ALLLLOOOOOOOTTTTTTTTT of swimming room


Active Member
i would pick which of the 3 types of clowns you like the most and get rid of the other 2 species. you can only have 2 clowns of the same species otherwise they will fight. most of the time to the death.
then i would get another clown of the same species that you decided to keep. make sure that the one you buy is smaller than the one you already have.
then i would take the yellow tang back. its a VERY debated subject if a 55 is big enough for a yellow tang. you decide.
hope this helps

arch scot

I've had no fighting so far. and i just bought the yellow tang today. are the guys at ***** dumb, just trying to sell me a fish. PLEASE HELP!

royal gang

Active Member
Originally Posted by arch scot
I've had no fighting so far. and i just bought the yellow tang today. are the guys at ***** dumb, just trying to sell me a fish. PLEASE HELP!
they're not dumb, just haters, all they want is the loot lol, go with these boards, not with the haters, here we actually care for ze' fish


Active Member
Originally Posted by arch scot
I've had no fighting so far. and i just bought the yellow tang today. are the guys at ***** dumb, just trying to sell me a fish. PLEASE HELP!
there might not be fighting now but i GUARUNTEE there will be.


Active Member
It could be a case of being way too overstocked for any one fish to get a terratory therefore they may never fight but being new to the hobby I wouldn't try it unless you want to loose livestock.