New tank used tap water.


New Member
Just started my first tank a few weeks ago. I filled the tank with tap water as instructed by the LPS and after doing so I have done some research only to find out that this may not be a good idea. So far all I have is rock and I have been waiting patienly before adding anything else. Should I start over and use RO water?


Active Member
You would see less algae growth if you had R/O at start. If you know or can get the water quality from your water district the water quality may be good enough. R/O water changes that you need to do because of nitrate build up would help fix anything that is slightly off.


Tap water can be okay as long as you are careful with neutralizing and treating it. It's the only option for many people. It's not ideal though, and I wouldn't spend a lot of money on expensive or delicate livestock if you don't have really top quality water.
One thing I've noticed from reading is that once you switch from tap water to high quality filtered water, you can't go back without causing serious problems. People seem to run tanks off treated tap water and do okay (not great, certainly not with fighting algae), but I've read many stories about folks that use RO/DI water and then had the filter fail, and thought they could use some treated tap water in the meantime... and things did not go well.


Not all tap is created equal. Test yours. I have been using tap since I started salt. My tap also happens to be from a spring and I live at the base of a mountain. I have no algae issues at all. I would not recommend that others use tap though. I just happen to be lucky I guess. You can use RO/DI from now on and not have a problem. BTW, Welcome to the boards


I would say tap water would be ok to start a tank. You are going to run it for a couple of weeks before you put anything in it anyway. During which time it will be filtered and cycled. Hopefully using a Magnavore PURA Filtration Pad. I really like those!
Fill it, declorinate it, salt it, run it.
Then maintain with RODI water.