New tank, Water levels all good shape


New Member
Set up tank on Sunday with 45g established water from
LFS. 40 lbs of live sand. 25 lbs of LR, 15 lbs of new LR from
LFS. 2 dams, 1 maron clown, 1 corral beauty, 1 carrol shrimp
2 hermit crabs. What I did is I just moved in to my new house
I had my tank established for about a year fish only, I had CC
25lbs LK and the fishes you see there. I checkd my water conditions and all are in good shape trates 00, amonia 00, PH 8.2
salt .023. Is normal or trates going to go up.
BP pro skimmer
2 Rios 800
2 24w hal whitw
2 24w hal blue


Active Member
Surely the LS would take time to establish to become a filter?
Normally all those fish in a week old tank would be certain carnage - even with LFS water.
Not sure if I fully understand what you have done.


I unfortunately did something very similiar, with the same type of advice from my LFS. You will most likely see your nitrates skyrocket. Your nitrites will most likely go up some. I've lost 2 fish and a crab by doing what you did. Its a hard way to learn a lesson. Whatever you do or whatever happens, don't make the same mistake I made and do a water change. This only prolongs the cycle and the stress on the fish.
Good Luck