New Tank, what are my options?


Hey all, I just got a 75 gallon AGA rectangle pre-drilled. I am building my stand but will hopefully be running it for a little while before it has lighting. I want to get a FOWLR, because I know I can have more aggressive fish and I really want an eel.
Besides an eel,
What are some good hardy fish that really act cool and eat an affordable food for a 75 gallon tank. I'm gonna also have a sump/fuge and a 4-5 inch Southdown sand bed.


I'd suggest a mexican puffer!! Its black with white dots everywhere and looks like a nuclear sub on steroids...If you can find it'll run you $150.


Active Member
There are several species of trigger that will do well in a 75. Larger hawkfish and clownfish are nice as well. Hamlets and certain wrasses are another option. There are several common (and several not so common) eel species that would do fine in there as well.