New Tank


New Member
Im just getting a new aquarium i would like to add very small butterfly tangs and 1 koran angel and 1 bi color the tangs will be 1 yellow 1 sailfin and 1 convict there will be two butterflys i do not intend to keep them till they are huge i will keep them from small to medium then turn them into the pet store espicially the koran those get huge! so what would be a better idea to get the really exspensive 60 gallon SeaClear system two with skimmer. or to get 80 gallon with ok wet dry filter descent canister and live rock and a uv sterlizer and a skimmer the 2nd one sounds better but i heard that the system 2 is really great huge filter 3 cartridges of 25 balls on this one what would be best the system 2 is the one with the built in wet dry by sea clear and how important is live rock


Active Member
Tangs don't like other tangs - especially the yellow/purple ones - they'll abuse the sailfin. Angels usually don't like other angels either - take a look at each species you are interested in, on petwarehouse - they have information about each species and what's comaptible.