new tank


New Member
no i dont have live rock in my 90 gal. should i and how much. i have a wet dry strong enough for a 200 gal and 1 power head is that enough. i have a clown and pink tail trigger and 3 damsels i know i should not have done that to cycle but i'll stick it nitrite is still high 4.0 i'm aproaching the 5th week of my cycle tommorrow.if i put any clean up crew wont they get eaten.thanks


IMHO I would get more power heads, I have 4 in my 55 plus an outside filter big enough for a 100 gal tank plus a skimmer.
You are right you shouldn't have a trigger to cycle a tank. IMO a bag of live sand would have allowed you to bypass the cycle and not have to worry as much.
Your comment about sticking it out is not the thing to do, your not stuck in that tank the poor unfortunate fish are and it is a terrible waste if they die because of what you do to them. Sorry to be so blunt but that is the truth.
If the trigger lives, you won't be able to have a clean up crew, as that is its favorite food items.
IMHO please, please ask questions BEFORE you go out and buy anything else for you tank. I wish you good luck with your tank.


Active Member
@ 150 lbs,IMO, some say a minimum of 1 lb/gal, but 1.5 or better is better yet
and definitely get more powerheads, I have 3 in my 75, plus afilter rated at 300 gph, which I now only use for circulation, and an occassional use of carbon
your desired circulation should be at least 10x's your gallonage per hour, this is a MINIMUM, more yet is better, with corals and stuff like that, alot of reefers will even push or exceed 20x, you also want o eliminate any dead spots in your tank, especially around your rock, wheere are naturally pockets that do not get water flow
not only will your cleanup crew get eaten, but there is also a good chance that they will not sruvive to start with, having highger nitrites this would depend on the particular species
adding cured lr, an or ls now may help to speed up your cycle, but if you add lr now, please cure it first(or buy locally, cured lr, this will help with any die off), other wise you'll go right back where you started from(an ammonia spike that will more than likely kill something), Also if you cure it yourself this will take weeks to months by itself