New Tank


New Member
Hi, everyone. I am new to all of this so I might ask some basic questions. I have a 44 gal. take just stilling at home and I'm not sure what to do with it. I have always wanted to have a saltwater tank however all the stuff I have been reading about it is scary. Does anyone here have a fish and live rock only tank? Is that easier then a tank w/ coral in it?


Plenty of people have FOWLR (fish only with live rock).
Yes, fish are more forgiving to imperfect water conditions than corals so it is easier to keep them.


It might sound scary but if you take your time and read alot and take it nice and slow it can be alot of fun.


New Member
What is the average cost to set up a reef? Is it really expensive to keep? Any good suggestions on books to buy? :notsure:


Active Member
It can be pricey. My 30g reef I recently setup was a little under $1,000. Thats also including some corals and the lighting.
Saltwater tanks can be as expensive or as cheap as you want. Normally the expensive ones tend to run a little stablier, but if your willing to put forth the daily effort, there are many cost cuts you can make.
For example, without a sump (seperate tank used for filtration and various things), you dont' need to pay $30 or so to get your tank drilled per hole, plumbing, the sump tank itself, the baffles to put in it, the silicone, and a return pump. Without a sump, your tank will still run (expecially if it isn't a reef) very well if properly maintained.
I have not read any saltwater based books yet (I know, I should), and having not read them, can't recommend any. If you search for books on these forums, you can probably find some good references.
The main thing also, the more research, the less you end up spending and the better your tank.
Good Luck!!! It is a lot of fun and a very rewarding expirience!!!



Originally posted by ncons29
Hi, everyone. I am new to all of this so I might ask some basic questions. I have a 44 gal. take just stilling at home and I'm not sure what to do with it. I have always wanted to have a saltwater tank however all the stuff I have been reading about it is scary. Does anyone here have a fish and live rock only tank? Is that easier then a tank w/ coral in it?

My tank is a FOWLR....and worse than that, its only 29 gal! the smaller the tank, the harder it is......but its not that hard. It just takes time and effort like any other hobbie. It is expensive, so if your planning on starting, make sure you got the money to start your tank, as well as keep it up. Not trying to scare you off....its a great hobbie,....but it does take money!
other tahn that, good luck to ya.....may the force be w/ you...


Active Member

Originally posted by ncons29
What is the average cost to set up a reef? Is it really expensive to keep? Any good suggestions on books to buy? :notsure:

Figuring out a cost for setting up a reef is really hard to determine. Some reefers want only top of the line equipment and will spend thousands on a tank. And then there are folks who are good bargain hunters and have DIY skills and can set up a nice sized and good looking reef for only a few hundred dollars.
A few good books to start out with are "The Conscientious Marine Aquarist" by Bob Fenner and "The Natural Reef Aquarium" by John Tullock.


Active Member
I've spent close to $2,000 on my 55 gallon reef tank and I haven't even really started stocking th liverock or inverts.