New Tank


New Member

I have a 55 Gal. tank with about 20lbs of live rock and some fish and some crabs.
I am the proud recent purchaser of a 75 Gal. hex tank.
In spite of LFS recommendation (poor gas exchange) I want this to be a lionfish tank.
I plan to start with some live rock and plenty of filtration.
My hope is to have a dwarf fuzzy lionfish, a snowflake eel, and maybe some crabs.
Any Recommendations?


I would say run a sump if you can if not just make sure you have plenty of curculation and dont have the top covered for that is what can cause poor gas exchange.


New Member
It depends on where I end up putting it. If I build a stand for it, there's not much room for a sump. :happyfish
If I put it in in a little nook between 2 windows, there will be room for a sump. I have a 10 gal aquarium that I was considering using for a sump for the 55gal anyway.
I was considering using an emperor 400 type filter and maybe a canister filter as well with some kind of multiple outlet arrangement to get filtered water deposited at all depths.