New tank??


Hello everyone! I am VERY new to this, so please bare with me! To make a longgg story short, a family member who had been keeping up with our tank took off, and now it is up to me to keep my fishys alive.
So, background: it is a 75 gallon tank, I have 2 pink tip anemones, 3 true percula clowns, a foxface tang, a purple pseudo, a blue hippo tang and a cleaner shrimp. Lots of live rock and a crushed coral bottom.
I have learned a lot on here about what to feed them and when. I'm more concerned about the maintenence. I've read about water changes, how is this done and how often? I have a water tester, but have no idea how to use it.
I really don't want to have to take my fish back to the pet store from lack of knowlegde of how to keep them alive. So any input or even good threads to read would be very appreciated! Thanks for your help!


umm im kinda new but.. maybe use R/O watever reverse osmosis.. not just tap water.. add the correct amount of salt.. that is for maybe 10% water change every two weeks?


Active Member
Originally Posted by TXBrittany
Hello everyone! I am VERY new to this, so please bare with me! To make a longgg story short, a family member who had been keeping up with our tank took off, and now it is up to me to keep my fishys alive.
So, background: it is a 75 gallon tank, I have 2 pink tip anemones, 3 true percula clowns, a foxface tang, a purple pseudo, a blue hippo tang and a cleaner shrimp. Lots of live rock and a crushed coral bottom.
I have learned a lot on here about what to feed them and when. I'm more concerned about the maintenence. I've read about water changes, how is this done and how often? I have a water tester, but have no idea how to use it.
I really don't want to have to take my fish back to the pet store from lack of knowlegde of how to keep them alive. So any input or even good threads to read would be very appreciated! Thanks for your help!
Sorry to hear that, can't believe he just took off like it and left you with no knowledge on how to take care of the tank. Best to start reading! You need to read up about CC substrate, it can cause you problems down the road, siphon the CC during water changes. Water changes should be done at 10% a week IMO(In my opinion)Don't think you know what IMO means yet. It's best to go to your LFS(IF they're knowlegible) and ask about how to use your test kits. IF they sell premixed water, best to buy that for now to do water change until you learn about how to mix salt(power heads and heater), the type of salt(numerous brands out there) and the type of water needed to mix with(RO or RO/DI water, which you can buy at wal-mart at their water machine) But you do need to keep RO water handy for top offs cause only water evaporate, not the salt content which you would end up with high salinity which you don't want. From what I see that you have, best to keep salinity around 1.026 IF I were you, I'll head to the LFS in the morning once you get up or start researching ASAP(Read some books too!) Also, what kind of light system do you have, or do you even know? How long has the tank been set up? Good Luck! :happyfish


Thank you so much for your help! I was up until 3AM reading on here last night. I'm going to do a test tonight on it when I get home, so I will post the results! I have no idea about the lights on it, but I looked at the bulb and it says, CoralLife 10,000K F40 T12 BP. It's just one bulb and it goes all the way down the tank. When I picked it up, the light went off and it scared my Foxface tang......and the light hasn't come back on yet. Did I break it? I guess I need to buy another one sooner than I thought.
I also looked at the filter (I'm guessing this is what it is) and it says Eheim ECCO. Is this a good one?
We've had the actual tank for awhile, so I think its well overdue for a light replacement. The fish have only been in there for about a month.
Again, thanks!!
*Edit* I did the test and this is what it said:
pH: 8.2
Ammonia: 0
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: 0
Temp is 75
Is this ok?


Active Member
Originally Posted by TXBrittany
Thank you so much for your help! I was up until 3AM reading on here last night. I'm going to do a test tonight on it when I get home, so I will post the results! I have no idea about the lights on it, but I looked at the bulb and it says, CoralLife 10,000K F40 T12 BP. It's just one bulb and it goes all the way down the tank. When I picked it up, the light went off and it scared my Foxface tang......and the light hasn't come back on yet. Did I break it? I guess I need to buy another one sooner than I thought.
I also looked at the filter (I'm guessing this is what it is) and it says Eheim ECCO. Is this a good one?
We've had the actual tank for awhile, so I think its well overdue for a light replacement. The fish have only been in there for about a month.
Again, thanks!!
*Edit* I did the test and this is what it said:
pH: 8.2
Ammonia: 0
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: 0
Temp is 75
Is this ok?
I think your filter will do for now, it's one of the better filters out there. Your parameters are perfect, but check for your salinity level (preferablly with a refractometer) Keep your salinity around 1.026 Your lights WILL be a problem for you!!! You will either upgrade to Metal Halides or get rid of the Pink Tip Anemones, IF I were you I would get rid of them first until you gain experience with the tank to take care of them. How long has the tank been set up? Anemones needs a well established tank. Try to move that bulb around and see if it comes back on. Fox Face is a rabbit fish, not a tang actually. Take a water sample in a clean ziplock bag to your LFS and let them check it for you to be sure, tell them you want the salinity checked along with the other tests. Good Luck! :happyfish


Where can I buy these MH lights? And what wattage/kind do I need? The tank has been up for 2 months, and the fish have been in there for a month. When we got the anemones, they were smaller, and now they are pretty big, and they look healthy. Hopefully they will be ok!
I really appreciate your help!


Active Member
Originally Posted by TXBrittany
Where can I buy these MH lights? And what wattage/kind do I need? The tank has been up for 2 months, and the fish have been in there for a month. When we got the anemones, they were smaller, and now they are pretty big, and they look healthy. Hopefully they will be ok!
I really appreciate your help!
You can search online to find MH lights, or search in the popular auction site, I'm sure you know where that is (can't post the name on here I don't think) I think the 75 uses the same size as my 55. My lights would work for you just fine. I have 48" canopy, 2-175w MH with dual Icecap ballast, 2-110w VHO with built in ballast and dual fans, 2-moon lights, reflector, Acrylic Shield, and hanging kit, plus two timers and shipping and the final cost was $721 E-mail me and I'll give you the site where I got it from, ask for the same stuffs like I just told you, you WILL have to buy both MH bulbs, mine came with just one and I had to buy the other one. DON'T buy the timers from them cause it's a rip off, you can buy the SAME exact timers at HomeDepot at a much lesser price. Don't buy right away, give me the prices they're charging you, tell them a friend of yours just bought one so you can get a better deal. E-mail me so I just give you the rest of the details that's if your willing to spent that much money right now. :happyfish


Heya Brittney,
Welcome welcome welcome,
I am relatively new myself, but it is a fascinating hobby. If you have an extra 27.00 to spend go to and grab The Conscientious Marine Aquarist . It's a great book and should give you a nice start on what you need to know.