New Tank


Hello All:
Don't laugh - please. I have a healthy 75g reef setup. A purple tang, rabbitfish, clown, chevron tang and some cleaner shrimp. Along with these fish, I have various corals. Well, the funny part is that I let coraline get out of control on the front and sides of the tank so I just upgraded to a 90g tank that fits on the same stand. It is a natural tank - 100lbs of LR and a skimmer. Any tips on how to move things over successfully? I have scraped until I am blue in the face and no luck.


I am confused. Your new tank has a lot of coraline and you want to scrape it off? If so, just get a razor blade. It comes right off


it's an acryylic tank and I REALLY let it go. It is so thick, it is just too much work to clean it. Once empty and dry, it will come off easier. Hey, at least it is an upgrade to a 90g :)