new tank


Hello all!!
i have recently purchased a 95 gallon wave tank. I have filled it with water to check for leaks, and to check the levality of the tank itself. The level from back to front is off by very little. Should i take the water out and try to level this small difference. I do think that it is within the parameters of level on my husbands level, but want to be sure before I actually mix the salt.


Will a piece of foam under the tank level this out? If so, is there a specific kind of foam to get? Thanks


Active Member
With a glass tank the level of the tank is incredibly important, if it's off by a fraction then it's no big deal. Perfection is ideal, but in a real world it's kinda hard.
What type of flooring do you have?
How much is the level off?
Is it just the front or back is lower or higher than the other? Or is it one corner of the tank is off fromt he other corner? Jim


Active Member
Not being level can lead to stress on glass tanks and sealants which could lead to cracks and breaks.


I have hardwood floors, and the level is now off back to front by a fraction, and a fraction lower on the left side. I am not wanting to drain this thing, but think that I have to. I appreciate all of your help!!!


Originally Posted by FishFanNY79
The tank being 100% level is VERY important in my opinion.
Couldn't agree more, specially a glass tank.
I had a customer whose 125 gallon tank was not level when I took over the account.
I told her over and over it would be a problem.
Sure enough, one night, late in the evening, I got the call the glass had cracked and water was going everywhere.
Had to do an emergency call (which made me needed extra money) and bring a spare tank to transfer what we could salvage.
Not worth it.
Level it 100%


Well, I went to Lowe's after work, and got some shims, a 44 gallon rubbermaid trashcan with lid, and a dolly for it. I got home and emptied the tank. Even though I asked the question, I knew it had to be done, so I leveled it 100%. I feel better about the whole thing. I put back what I salvaged, and then added some new water, with salt! Very exciting!! I still have to hook up the sump, and I want to order two hydro koralias for the flow. I plan to add the sand and live rock soon. Any other suggestions?


Active Member
When you add the sand use a 2-3" x 30" piece of PVC pipe and shuttle the sand down the pipe and around your base rock. Do it slowly and move the pipe slowly along the bottom. This will cut down the sand storm through out the entire tank.
Make sure you rinse any dry sand very well. Place base rock down on the bottom of the tank first, then sand and then the rest of the rock.