New Tank!


So this local restaurant is selling their saltwater tank for $1000.00 I haven't gotten a chance to ask details yet, but I believe it's around 80-100 gallons. It has live rock, soft coral, star fish, clown, flame angel, pajama cardinal, yellow tank and a few others. I think I saw a below the tank sump. The only thing is the restaurant staff has not been keeping it up lately b/c they are trying to get rid of it so bad. I'm sure the water levels are off the charts. Have just a few questions:
What's the best way to break the tank down?
What's the first thing I should do to clean it up a little? Other than get the water to normal levels
Will post pics as soon as I can.


Active Member
I think that's a pretty high price for a tank that size. Get the specs on it first to see what everything really is worth and what you have to throw away.
How old is it etc...


Active Member
do you think when all is said and done that a thousand dollars is a good deal for this tank? i think, for a couple dollars more, you could buy a new one.
meanwhile, what i would do is-
make up enough saltwater to completely refill that system, and keep it in heated bins at your house.
use rubbermaid bins to remove the rock with corals attached, and keep them submerged with the existing tank water.
bring them to house, with the tank if you can.
remove any substrate and either rinse it thoroughly, or trash it.
give the tank a rinse, refill with as much old water, and whatevrer new you need, and add corals.


ok so I was wrong - I spoke with the manager and he said it's around 250 gallons (haven't been in there in like 6 months don't remember it being that big) - it has black stand and canopy - all in all about 7 feet tall - I'm going to get a water sample today and he said it hasn't been cleaned in about a month
he said he doesn't know much about the fish. I asked if any of them have spots and he said no, so that's good - still think $1000.00 is to much? Thanks for all your opinions!

scopus tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by scsdlh34
ok so I was wrong - I spoke with the manager and he said it's around 250 gallons (haven't been in there in like 6 months don't remember it being that big) - it has black stand and canopy - all in all about 7 feet tall - I'm going to get a water sample today and he said it hasn't been cleaned in about a month
he said he doesn't know much about the fish. I asked if any of them have spots and he said no, so that's good - still think $1000.00 is to much? Thanks for all your opinions!
No, $1000.00 isn't too much for a 250 gallon saltwater aquarium thats already stocked (assuming that its fully stocked and reef-ready). As far as what to do, Mr. X gave you some good advice already. Give us some more details on the tank and equipment so that we can help further ~ type and wattage of lights, drilled or not drilled, sump or sump/refugium, skimmer, etc. If its only been uncared for for a month, it really should be in that bad of shape. I wouldn't plan on throwing anything away till we see some water sample results, might just be an issue of removing some algae growth and salt creep off the DT.