New tank



Once I get my 125 cycled (soon) I will have a 55 with only a Javanese Damsel and a Snowflake eel. Does anyone have any suggestions as to what would go well in the tank? I can't decide worth anything....


Active Member
Originally Posted by Arlene1995
The 55.

So the 55 will have the Damsal and the SFE correct? If so I would add Lemonpeel Angel, Maroon Clown and Valentini Puffer and then make sure you keep up your water changes as that will be a fairly large bioload for a small tank.


Yes, that is correct, the damsel and the Snowflake Eel will be in the 55. Are Lemonpeels easy to keep? And by that I mean, do they have any special diet requirements and things like that? Would a Niger Trigger do well in place of the Valentini? If it would outgrow it, I could put it in the 125 since it will be an aggressive too. Thanks!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Arlene1995
Yes, that is correct, the damsel and the Snowflake Eel will be in the 55. Are Lemonpeels easy to keep? And by that I mean, do they have any special diet requirements and things like that? Would a Niger Trigger do well in place of the Valentini? If it would outgrow it, I could put it in the 125 since it will be an aggressive too. Thanks!
There are easier Dwarf Angels....Coral Beauty and Flame would top the list....You could do a baby Niger (2 inch) but he would need an upgrade in a year, they grow very large and are quite aggressive as adults, though usually well behaved as juvi's. For whatever reason, Nigers do not mix well with Maroon Clowns though. I know of several people (myself included) that have had Nigers destroy a Maroon.


Do Flames need anything special? Also, how would a goby of sorts do in the tank? Another thing that intrigues me is the symbiosis of cleaner shrimp and predatious fish. If you know anything on it, what would be the best way to attempt to attain that in my 55? I guess that leaves the Niger out of the picture.... anything else? Thanks for all the help and suggestions!