New Tank


New Member
Hi, I just bought a 55 gal. tank and I am wanting to do saltwater. I have never kept saltwater before and I am a little affraid. The tank is 5 feet long and about 15 inches tall so I'm looking at doing a long shallow reef. I you have any ideas or suggestions I would appreciate it a lot. I figure I can build the stand and the lighting set, it's just what kind of lights I need and all that good stuff I need a little help on. PLEASE HELP ME!?!? <img src="graemlins//angel.gif" border="0" alt="[angel]" /> <img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0" alt="[confused]" /> <img src="graemlins//urrr.gif" border="0" alt="[urrr]" />


If you fave a 55 gallon tank then it is 4' long not five. What you are going to need is good lighting weither it be power compact, vho, ot metal halide. Everyone has ther own opinion about lighting you are going to have to decide that your self. just make sure you have at the least 4 watts per gallon. So if you went with a 48" double 96 watt power compact you should be good to go for most corals but not all and probably no clams. As for filters you are going to need a protein skimmer and some sort of sump.


New Member
UnderTheSea, thanks for the info but just so you know my tank is 5 feet long, 14 inches high, and 15 inches deep, it is a custom plexy glass type tank and holds just a little over 55 gal. Thank you again for the info, especially on the skimmer, I hadn't even thought that far ahead. I'll finish my lighting research, I'm mainly wanting to do different kinds of Clowns, noting too fancy.