Welcome to saltwaterfish.com
to answer your question, the best thigns to use are:
Plenty of lr, ls and a skimmer in combination with excellent circulation. That is all that you need for filtration and it works OUTSTANDING.
thanks for the welcome.
Im looking at starting a 125 gallon tank. how much ls and or lr do i need to start it off with. and do you reccommend any type of protien skimmer.
What do you mean as far as "power filter:? Are you talking about a wet/dry or similar filter? I think most will agree with fshhub that the best filtration starts with a lot of live rock and a good amount of live sand. Most people will tell you that 1.5-2 lbs of LR per gallon of water is sufficient and about 1lbs of sand per gallon to start out with. If you are planning on using a deep sand bed then more is required. Other then that wet/drys are not necesary. LR and LS provide enough biological filtration to not need a wet/dry. Toss on a good protein skimmer and you are set to go. If you are looking for a good protein skimmer for the money a seaclone is good. I am very happy with my seaclone 150.