New Tank

Okay i need a little help!!!!!! I have had Fresh water fish for years and now i am wanting to start a salt water tank. Nothin big and crazy. Just something to get my feet wet. I have a 29 gallon tank with an Ehiem that i wanna use to start. I have been reading the new marine aquarium. But i am still scared to start this or i have my doughts by talking to people. I have a lot of questions like how many power heads and how much live sand. I guess is what i am asking is there anyone out there that can just take some time and answer a few questions for me!!!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!


So much to say,but I'll put it short.
-Saltwater is just as easy,if not easier than freshwater,don't always trust books unless others who are into this hobby have recommended it.
-In a 29 gallon,if you want a dsb(deep sand bed) go with a mixture of ls(live sand) and "dead" sand.You'd want a 3.5" to 5" sand bed,unless you go fish only you'd need about a 2"sand bed.
In a 29 gallon,I'd recommend about 2 to 3 ph's(One up top,middle,bottom).
Trust me saltwater is easy to keep,and it is actualy easier than my freshwater fish.Once you get into this hobby and you really are into it, you'll be hooked for good!:D :eek:


a bit exagerated but it's really not that much harder than a fresh water, unless you're just keeping guppies and gold fish. If you just wanna get your feet wet I would go with a fish only tank. Reefs take time and some experience, In my opinion.


Active Member
I think it is easier than fw
once set up, it does most of the work for me
good book, read it again,a dn follow it step by step, works great, I really wish I had that book the first time around. But unfortunately, I did not until my 2d attempt at it
2 small powerheads