New Tank


I just purchased a 125 gallon tank and I am new to SW, It is all set up as far as substrate and water ( I am ordering live rock tomorrow ) I am not sure how much, I am getting a lot of different advise, about how long am I looking at as far as adding some damsels to start the cycling ? any advise would be much appreciated ..
Thanks <img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0" alt="[confused]" />


I'm curious about this one too... so far, though, all that I've read about people's tanks is that they have the the ammount of liverock in pounds is the same ammount as gallons. No idea about this though. =


1)the amount of lr really depends on what you plan on putting in the tank...any ideas yet???
if your going with an aggressive tank (which i assume you are) i would probably use about 90-100lbs of lr. some people use more but i like to give aggressive fish as much swimming room as a can and still have cool looking rock work...i would also go with a dsb (4"-6")for the substrate...
in reefs the general rule is 1.5-2lbs per gallon (but this is also dependant on the kind of lr you use as some lr is more pourous and lighter than others)
2)i would suggest using 5 jumbo shrimp (uncooked) to cycle rather than damsels-if you want damsels in the tank they might not survive the cycle and if you don't then it will be VERY difficult to get them out after the cycle...shrimp work very well so why gamble with the damsels...


You guys are the greatest ! I am going agreesive and could you help with dsb ? What is that? remeber I am a new jack, sorry. I ordered 100lbs of live rock and should get it tomorrow , I hope its enough , Thank you all again


anthem: any particular reason why you aren't a fan of the shrimp method?
worked great in my most recent tank and i have yet to her anything negative about this method...


The damsel and lr method worked great for me because I knew I was getting a volitan lionfish. So obviously, if you buy damsels that stay small then they turn into a great sw meal in due time. Then again, I knew I was getting a lion so there was no chasing the fish out. Both damsels and shrimp work well, but the reason I prefer damsels is I think it makes your tank look nicer during its cycle (more activity). HTH