new tank


new here
setup a 30 gal w/43#live rock, small crushed coral, w/d filter on sat. past, am test 0, and ph at 8.4 no other test done to date.
my question is: do i or dont i run w/d while waiting for cycle?
lr came into lfs, was still wet in box from plain, lfs said it didnt need to cure, it is figi rock, is this true? so how long should cycle take and what besides test reading do i look for
also my pump and w/d stopped on mon pm (?) and sprayed h20 all over room/wall shorted out power strip, so took untill tues pm to get replaced and up and running
have any ideas to keep h2o out of power strip or is there something i can get to make it so that if this happens again that the pump in the sump doesnt come back on and drain the sump and burn up the pump
sorry this is so long
thanks for any help