New tank?


I have to move my tank (29g w/inverts and fish) in the next couple weeks. I'm thinking it might be the appropriate time to make the jump to a bigger tank, either a 75 or a 90. I'm wondering about cycling time if I use most of the stuff from my present tank. I'm pretty sure I can't just move the lr and ls, add water and throw everything back in but I also don't know what the appropriate steps are. Thanks


Well-Known Member
well mainly you can just move all the stuff over and add more saltwater. Just add some new sand first, put the old ls on top, move the water, move the inhabits, and finally add the newly mixed saltwater. might look a mess for awhile, depending upon how much of the sand you stirred up. You could also add the sand and new water then let it settle down for a day or so before moving the stuff from the old tank. either way ou should have a new tank up and running and stable in a matter of days.


Should I then add lr slowly or can I add 30 or 40 lbs at a clip? I thinkI only have about 35-40 lbs in the 29g and will certainly need more in the larger tank. Thanks


Yes you can add the LR at once, perferably before the cycle begins...