New tank

the puerco

New Member
I am in the studing process of setting up a new reef tank... 75 or 100GL... I know that i need 1/1.5LB of LR per GL and about a 3" Layer of LS. Also I have a friend that will share some of his tanks water for my to create a faster Cycle... Now I need to know what is a GOOD Filter and why... please give me brand and web side and a price range if possible.... I will probably have Inverts and some small fish.... please give me some advice.... Thanks


are you going to have a overflow or ho filter? if over flow get a wet/dry and skimmer. if ho get skimmer i like the The Berlin HO around $175 or CPR Bak Pak Dual Pak $200 and 2 Emperor Power filter 400 W/BIO-Wheels about $50


If you match the correct amount of LR to your tank, then you wouldn't need any type of filter media (wet/dry, foam, etc) to add large of amounts of nitrates to your system. The idea here is keep as natural as possible & with enough LR (nature's filter) & ample amount of flow (powerheads), the system will take care of itself. This is what I've done & have cut back the nitrates to where I can keep them safely at 5. Here is a site where they offer the best supplies at reasonable rates
[/url] Good Luck!
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