New Tank ?


New Member
OK This is the first time I have sarted a tank using a shrimp........
I have read on the board that it is the best way to go about it so no fish are killed, injured, stressed..... OK ... I have started one with fish one time before with no problems.. Ok I know lucky..
So i put the shrimp in there and a few days ammonia came up to 4
went to take it out and it fell apart... Like a million peices all in my tank, everywhere . and now 2 days later ammonia 8 plus... So my question is am I going to have to wait until all those little shrimp peices disolve to get my ammonia levels back to zero...
I have a 40 g corner tank with fluval 204 filter , with around 3 in live sand, with 2 peices of live rock 1 about 2' X 1' nice and big and another 6"X6" total around 25 pounds... :mad:
I scooped my shrimp out with a net because it desintegrated like yours did. So if you can I would try and scoop the rest out. I would not think it would extend your cycle much either way.


Active Member
In my 35 gallon hexagon tank, my shrimp also fell apart. And one of the pieces lodged itself behind a piece of my live rock. However, even though I did not take out all the shrimp pieces, the cycle still only took 2 and a half weeks. I believe the smaller pieces of the shrimp were sucked into the filter, and the large piece was a meal for my cleaning crew after the ammonia went to 0...I guess it was just the shell though, but my hermits liked it anyway. ;)