New timer for my lights... need advise

I just bought a new timer for my lights.
I have 2-250 metal halide light
4 acentics
moon lights
Any good advise for these to come on to mimic natural day cycle? Thanks in advance


It sounds like you have the same lights as mine. I only now use the metal halides only a couple of hours a night. When I get home and maybe 3 hours total.
My moon lights are on at approx 8p
actinics usually are 2p-8pm
too much halides causes my tank to get brown
Thanks drtash, I may be running my halides too long also, I have been running them for around 5 to 6 hours, oh boy what a pain it was to manually turn all these lights on plus the fan. I am having issues with brown algae also. I am wondering if shortening the halide run time, if that will be harming my clam and anemone tho? Scared! This is the lighting schedule I have been running.....ascetic's on around 8A.M. to 10P.M.
metal halide's on at noon off at 5P.M sometimes a little longer
moon lights on at 10P.M. off at 8 A.M.


Active Member
I run my MH for 9 hours.
7 AM - 10 AM White LEDs
9 AM - 6 PM MH
5 PM - 7 PM White LEDs
6PM - midnight Blue LEDs
Depends on what you have in your tank, but i would suggest running them for about 8 - 10 hours. If you have a new setup, and are dealing with algae run them less. If you don't have corals yet or an anemones save the life of the bulb and don't run the MH's until you get your corals/anemones.


Active Member
I have just under 500 watts in my 75 and i turn my vho and halide on at 7 am Then turn my halide off at 5 pm, Then vho off at 9 pm, moon light from 9 pm to 7 am.