new to Anenomnes


What are all of the steps involved in putting Nm's in your tank for the first time and keeping them healthy? Im new to Sw and cant get enough of everything you can do with it. thanks for the help.:happy:

debbie g

I know two things to start with...
1) Your tank should be running healthy for at least 6 months.
2) Have metal halide lamps.


you don't need medal halides to keep an anemone. If you have about 4-5 watts per gallon you can get away with a bubble tip. They require less lighting than others. I wouldn't recomend any other anemone other than the bubble tip if you dont go with mh lighting. Perfect water conditions are also a must....


Although that 4-6 watt thing is true in a lot of cases, it is not always. My BTA tried to climb clear outa the tank before I got MH's. His foot was actually at the very surface of the water line.
Donahue, it seems to me that you would first want to know which kind of anemone that you want, before people could help with the care for one. And I would recommend reading a lot about them, and paying attention to the negative responses people have with them also. They are neat, but for some they are not worth the maintenance. Lighting, water quality, feeding, they move around and can sting and kill surrounding corals, they have an ironic adoration to powerheads! And if you get it all right, they go and split on you and take over the tank!! LOL



Originally posted by EricHolcek
you don't need medal halides to keep an anemone. If you have about 4-5 watts per gallon you can get away with a bubble tip. They require less lighting than others. I wouldn't recomend any other anemone other than the bubble tip if you dont go with mh lighting. Perfect water conditions are also a must....

Like I mentioned in a different thread where you mentioned the same thing, the watts per gallon rule is pretty much useless. IMO, MH lighting is required for ALL anemones. A MH lighting setup can theoretically have less watts per gallon but the anemone would thrive compared to a PC setup with higher wattage per gallon because of the greater penetration into the water and PAR ratings that the MH light offers.