New to boars and SW


I have been reading the posts here for the last couple of days and decided to join in the "Fray"!:D
I have a 90g tank that I just purchased from someone. It had three fish, a couple of LR (20lbs.) and LS(about 2"). I drained most of the water(OMG! was it heavy). I left the fish rock and sand in the tank. When I got it home I mixed up some water to match the sg in a five gallon bucket, added air bubbles and put in the LR and fish. I filled the tank (conditioned well water) add salt let the tank sit with pump and airation. I let it run overnight. Added LR to the tank. Checked all levels and all was fine. Added the fish that evening. Noticed stress added stuff for slime coat, etc. Left the light off for the next day.
After four days, all levels normal, but I am noticing something that looks like bites/scrapes on the two smaller fish. One I know is a three stirpe (damsel?) The other is same size shape but yellow. The third and bigger fish is brown with a large orange spot on it's sides. Been looking on for something similar. Haven't found it yet. I put in a skimmer that will handel up to 110g. They are eating and swimming normally. The filtration is Magnum 350 with prefilter (blue type) and a paper core filter. Ph is at 8.0, is that ok? If not how to get it up?
Also, I want to have, in the future, feater dusters, anemone, kind of a reef tank. What obstacles will I encounter/need to look for. I want to do this right the first time. Is a single coarlife 50/50 4' long bulb enough?
I look forward to your replies and THANK YOU ALL for a most excellent resource for the newbie!! :nervous:


Read "The Conscientous Marine Aquarist" by Robert Fenner....soon. Knowledge is your best tool. And read a bunch of threads from different forums. Keep in mind this is a "flexible" science, and don't assume someone's opinion is as good as gold.......especially mine:D .