New to fish...


Here is what I have...I know I should have probably not filled it with tap water but it was the only thing I could get :/...I did use stress coat and a chlorine killer..right now im waiting for all the sand to settle.How should I place the live rock I have in there, it does not seem to stable. I sat it on the glass and then put the sand in around it... please any help would be great.1. Tank size. 28 Gallons
2. What type of tank and how long has it been running?
4 hours..Right now it is just a salt water marine tank
3. Water parameters.
Water temp 77.8 F 1.023 Salinity
4. Set up.
Fiji live rock,17 lbs, Live Sand,Canister:Fluval Multi-Stage 05 series 205,180GPH,T-8 over head single fluorescent 20w Pennplax FL20,150 watt heater
5. Livestock
. None
Anything I should do etc.. ? This is my first tank and not really sure about anything


1. Get some test kits, moniter the cycle (let me know if you don't know what I mean by "cycle").
2. Don't add any livestock until cycle is complete. Then start with a clean-up-crew.
3. Then start looking into a stocklist.
Also, if you move this to the 'new hobbyist' section, you'll get a lot more responses.
And Welcome to the hobby!