New To Frag Tank Need Assistance Please


i plan to set up my 10 gallon glass tank into a frag tank which i had broken down and moved everything into my 20gal glass high you can see it here 10gal gone 20
so this is my plan please add on, edit, comment or give advice.

- 10 gallon glass tank
- 50 watt heater
- Cascade 150 HOB filter
- MaxiJet 1000 Power Head
- 3lbs Live Sand
- 5-10lbs Live Rock
- Cheato
i will run it open top for better light penetration and for temperature.
Will this lighting fixture work for SPS?? i only have SPS corals at the moment but later on will add more variety corals.
24" 65W Power Compact Light (Bulb 50/50) [this would give the tank 6.5watts per gallon? would this be sufficient? only $40]
if that wont work then i can get this one?
24" 130W Power Compact Light (65W Power Compact Bulb Daylight 12000K / 65W Power Compact Bulb Actinic Blue/ Dual Bluemoon LED) [this would make the tank 13watts per gallon? cost $80]
im kind of tight on money right now so i dont want to spend too much but i do want to make this work out

i already purchased frag plugs and super glue
i will go and pick up some egg crates and PCV tubing at home depot but i want a little more information before i go buying things i dont need
please let me know your advice and opinions!!


as for the LR and LS it will all come from my 20gal and so will the water so the tank should be ready to go once set up

as for a CUC i plan on adding about
- 6 turbo snails
- 2 nassarius snails
- 6 blue legged hermit crabs
- 1 peppermint shrimp
but do i need a CUC?
please give me advice on this topic also


oh and i also have the option to get this from a local guy:
PFO Horizontal Pendant with USHIO-METAL HALIDE 175W 10K BULB for $30 but it will need a new bulb soon that would make it 17watts per gallon.
Coralife 24" 130W Power Compact Light (65W Power Compact Bulb Daylight 12000K / 65W Power Compact Bulb Actinic Blue/ Dual Bluemoon LED) [this would make the tank 13watts per gallon? cost $50]
what do you guys suggest??


Active Member
What about a 70 watt viper metal halide clip on. Probably your best bet. I don't think you will fair too well with sps and pc lighting, you will most likely only be growing brownapora
Stick with the halides. However I think a 175 watt halide would be overkill, unless you could hang it pretty high off the tank. But even then you would be using a lot of electricity for a 10 gallon tank, if that makes a difference