new to hobby


Im new to the hobby im getting ready to fill my first tank and add live rock. I need some help though what should the salinity be? what would the ph be? what should the temp be? Do I need to do anything to the live rock when i get it ?


Ok, how big is you tank and will it be a fish only or a reef set up? Will you be using sand for your substrate?


The rule of thumb is 1-1/12lbs of LR per g. Make sure you use RO/DI water to fill your tank. Will save you headaches down the road and is much better for your fish and corals).
Sand is better for your substate, CC holds trates and your tank and is a real pain in the butt.
PH should be around 8.0-8.2
Salinity: 1.025-26
trites: 0
ammo: 0
Cal: 420-450
temp: 78-80 IMO
Depending where you get your LR...LFS you can put it right in your tank and it will help with the cycle. If on-line and shipped... you must clean it before putting it in tank.
Scrub it real good with a new stiff brush (not metal) a new finger nail brush works well. Make sure you remove any black and soft spots on the rock, just clean it good.
After it is cleand you can put it in your tank and it will aid in the cycle. It also helps to use a piece of raw shrimp ( from your local market) this will help form the waste and bacteria that you need for your tank. ( some say you do not need it if you have LR but better to be safe.) Put it in a new Knee-High or cut the foot off a new pantyhose, it makes it easier to remove when the time comes.
Do not add fish or anything until you know you have fully cycled!
Just let everything run and check your levels. when all reach 0 you are cycled and ready to go.


I don't know about your ***** but mine only has two types of sand, one is VERY fine dry sand and the other is already bagged livesand. In my experience, the bags of livesand there aren't worth the money. Many times they've leaked and who knows how long they've been bagged, some to all of the live things in the sand may already be dead. It's something to ask about!


Active Member
Originally Posted by DaneDodger
I don't know about your ***** but mine only has two types of sand, one is VERY fine dry sand and the other is already bagged livesand. In my experience, the bags of livesand there aren't worth the money. Many times they've leaked and who knows how long they've been bagged, some to all of the live things in the sand may already be dead. It's something to ask about!
the packages of live sand have a date on them. the price at my ***** was right for the live sand.. i went with the cheaper stuff, 28lbs of regular white sand, and 40lbs of the live sand to seed it.. be sure to shop around, but some things are decently priced at *****.. i bought the fish i have from my *****, but that is only because they are 10 minutes from my home. All fish acclimated very well and showed very small signs of any stress (stayed in a corner for about 20 minutes after release into tank). I have seen some dogfish there with disease and they have had this one that has caught everything u can think of.. It is best to find a place with staff that actually knows how to care for the tanks.. Two of the several people who work at my ***** have tanks at home but they still arent the brightest. I got a hitch hiker crab from ***** and when i took it back because it eats coraline, one of the guys was excited to have a free pet to take home to his tank... not too bright of an idea if u like the looks of coraline.. test the staff with stuff u already know, and maybe look a few things up b4 u go so that u can test their knowledge a little more.. If they are ignorant about saltwater, then ask them if anyone works there that has a tank at home..
watch behind ur ***** because they tend to throw lightly scratched tanks away, or tanks with small broken pieces that will work just fine.. be careful at ***** and dont let em tell u to cycle with fish! the live rock at ***** is very expensive and it is advised to either order it online, or drive an hour if u have to... my ***** wants $8/lb.. when i drove to another place that wa 40 minutes away, it was $5/lb... needless to say i saved a but-load of money there! You can usually get things cheaper online then anywhere else, but watch the shipping charge, it might be high and cost u more total then if u went locally..
welcome to the board! and good luck with the hobby.. and questions (yes, even dumb ones) can be posted and almost immediately answered.. this is the best forum i have found so far when it comes to needing answers faster.. post some pics when u get it all set-up, we really enjoy pics!


Umm I AM the staff at my local *****, Aquatic Specialist :hilarious , so believe me, I'm not completely bashing *****. It does really depend on who's working there, whether or not they're knowledgable at all and care. I steer customers away from the sand at my store but I'm glad to hear yours was better. You really can find some great stuff at ***** but it's a good idea to really know what you're doing, what you're looking for, and get to know whether or not the employees at your local store are knowledgable and care.


Active Member
Originally Posted by DaneDodger
Umm I AM the staff at my local *****, Aquatic Specialist :hilarious , so believe me, I'm not completely bashing *****. It does really depend on who's working there, whether or not they're knowledgable at all and care. I steer customers away from the sand at my store but I'm glad to hear yours was better. You really can find some great stuff at ***** but it's a good idea to really know what you're doing, what you're looking for, and get to know whether or not the employees at your local store are knowledgable and care.
holy crap! someone works at ***** and has a saltwater setup!!! :notsure:


Not to mention I'm a FISH GEEK, totally in love with fishes and completely obsessed with saltwater in particular (who else would work on aquariums 40 hrs a week then run home to see what the people here on the board are up to so I can talk MORE about fish???), I'm honest to a T with my customers, eeeehhh at least somewhat knowledgable, and I really do care!!! What're the odds?????? :hilarious


***** has no idea what there selling most of the time like you can probably get a 1 foot adult emporer angel for like ten bucks :hilarious and the'll have it labeled as a yellow,blue striped fish sometimes the're just flat out pin heads